Keys to Creating a Great Story

Keys to Creating a Great Story

John Truby is a Hollywood screenwriting teacher and story consultant who shares many of the beliefs we hold about the process of storytelling and structure.

One of the key lessons we took away from this interview with him is that a good story and good writing comes as a result of sound structure and a well thought out, step-by-step process. You cannot really judge your work until you’ve completed the process.

One Writers’ Studio Screenwriter’s Inspiring Journey

One Writers’ Studio Screenwriter’s Inspiring Journey

Many people who take our courses are lawyers, investment bankers or other professionals who have always had that itch to do something creative instead of corporate. Matt Sherring was an advertising executive when he first signed up for Unlocking Creativity.

It was the first creative writing that he’d ever done and he said it gave him the confidence to keep writing.

The Writers’ Studio Q&A: Krew Boylan

The Writers’ Studio Q&A: Krew Boylan

We recently got the chance to chat with the lovely and talented Krew Boylan.

Krew has been taking writing courses with us for several years and is currently starring in the TV drama Wild Boys. Here’s what she has to say about her own creative journey.

Trusting the Creative Process

Trusting the Creative Process

Sarah Wilson recently wrote an insightful column for the Sun-Herald’s Sunday Life magazine about the creative process that mirrors many of our ideas about writing at the Writers’ Studio.

She has a great anecdote about how it took Leonard Cohen five years to write ‘ his famous song ‘Hallelujah’ and how he learned to trust the power of the process.

The Power of Structure

The Power of Structure

Writing a powerful story is a four part process – planning, writing, re-writing and editing.

In a recent interview, American screenwriting structure teacher, John Truby talks about the importance of structure and planning when writing a story.

Six Key Questions to Consider

Six Key Questions to Consider

Bob Mayer is the author of The Fiction Writers’ Toolkit.

He has published 30 fiction books and has two million books in print, translated into eight languages.

The X Factor in Creativity

The X Factor in Creativity

Daring is the X factor in creativity. That ability to take chances and explore the unknown. The American novelist, Eudora Welty said, “If you can’t be a genius, imitate the daring.”

Gore Verbinski, who directed the Pirates of the Carribean series and now the animated Western, Rango, gives some intriguing insights into his creative process in a recent interview.

The Inspiring Teddy Bear

The Inspiring Teddy Bear

Favourite things: Roland Fishman, author, taking people back to their future Sydney Morning Herald Spectrum Article, by Ali Gripper, published 19 November 2014

Roland Fishman’s Writer’s Studio is one of the quiet success stories of Sydney. Ever since the journalist-turned-author began running classes in his Bondi living room 20 years ago, he has steadily helped more than 20 novels and screenplays get published, as well as seeing thousands of people rediscover the power of their imagination.

He was in his mid-30s at the time, and it saddens him it took so long to get back in touch with his own creativity. “It felt like I was finally doing what I was meant to be doing when I grew up,” he says.

Keys to Creating a Great Story -

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