We recently got the chance to chat with the lovely and talented Krew Boylan.
Krew has been taking writing courses with us for several years and is currently starring in the TV drama Wild Boys. Here’s what she has to say about her own creative journey.
What type of creative writing do you do?
I have been writing a feature film with the Writers Studio.
What courses did you take at the Writers’ Studio?
I did Unlocking Creativity with Roland and then I was hooked. So I rolled into the first and second draft with out a question, writing a feature film. I also secretly loved all of Roland’s famous quotes about writing, which kept me in.
Now that you know about story structure has it made a difference when you read scripts or watch movies?
It has made a huge difference. I often get asked being an actress and or writer if seeing the behind the scenes or knowing the structure of scripts, if it spoils my experience of watching or reading, screenplays or plays, and for me it is the opposite. Nothing is more comforting knowing your craft and your industry.
The better educated I am the more at peace I become, with why a script is not reading so well or why the movie did or didn’t really work. My inner ‘story structure’ mind is constantly working and re-working particularly other peoples stories at the moment eeek, as you can tell, my own writing becomes secondary when I’m acting, which makes me disappointed in myself……the tug and pull of the writer.
When you take on an acting project are you tempted to re-write your dialogue or change your character journey?
At this point, not really as I haven’t felt pressured to take on a project that needs that much re-working. So far I’ve had some great gigs that I love from the outset, knock on wood, however I do often ask to discuss dialogue, and from that discussion I may change a few things.
According to the Internet Movie Database (IMDB), you’re also a composer – have the things you learned at The Writers’ Studio helped you write music as well?
Hahahahaha…no I didn’t get any musical tips off Roland or though I’m sure he has a few sneaky dance moves he could bust out and teach me?! The composer tag was from the “DUI song”, which I collaborated on, however most of the writing of that was from Priscilla Bonnet, who was in the video clip also.
(Check out Krew and Priscilla’s hilarious send-up of Hollywood starlets desperate for fame here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19qitYW60Ug)
Were you surprised by the positive reaction to the video?
It makes me blush. I was a little surprised by that actually. I thought [celebrity blogger] Perez Hilton putting it on his website was just talk, and then 20 minutes later he had! Then it got over 25,000 hits in two days or something, which made me laugh.
What would be your ultimate writing goals … scripts, movies, poems, music ?
My ultimate goal would be to write and make ONE AMAZING OSCAR NOMINATED FILM. Just one. But how many do I have to write to get to that one…is the journey.
Do you have a particular process or way you like to write? (a time, a place, journal, computer, etc?)
I like to use the floor a lot, for placing notes, scenes, and cards so I can see it in front of me, others like the wall, however I can’t focus on a wall the way I can on the floor.
I feel constructive when I write during the day, and I think Roland and Kathleen would be very proud, but my reality is… that I am most creative at night, damn it! However the night writing creates havoc on my acting call times, my exercise, my relationships, & my eating habits. Tricky. Also, I have got to dress the part to write for that day, that night, that moment, or that feeling… if the mood is loose a ball gown goes on, if I want to put the pressure on myself that day I’ll wear for example, all black. This theory is only going to get me so far though as I am starting to think I need to write away from my house…I’ll let you know how the outside world handles the dress up situation.
Tell us about Wild Boys…
Wild Boys is a 13 episode series on Channel 7, Sundays at 7.30pm. I play Ruby the town whore. It’s a small part as most of the show is boys with guns and horses, however a good part none the less. It was filmed out in Wilberforce near Windsor in Sydney on this wonderful 1830’s-like set. The best part about it was the period and the people, most of my scenes where with the lovely Zoe Ventura and Jeremy Simms, and they are both tremendous actors and humans. The worst part of it was the intense teasing of my hair…which was interesting to get out at the end of the day, if wrists can bulk with muscle, mine have bulked.
Do you have any advice you can give to other WS people who are on their own creative journey?
Make sure you give yourself the best chance to enjoy the creative journey, and to make it happen! To write!
If you honour who you are, you will make your own rules of when and how you want to put pen to paper. For me that creativity is just as important.
The best thing about the Writers’ Studio is that they are not there to push the peddles, they just steer you when you are going off the path and remind the micro people to watch the horizon and the macro people to check the pebbles. And if you’re me at the moment, who is peeling her writing self off the skidded ground from the fall, with a grated knee, hand burn and a mangled sandwich…never fear because I’m not scared to get back on the bike, the Writers’ Studio has talked me through this many times. What wonderful supportive people. You’re in good hands. Enjoy.