November Newsletter & Upcoming Courses

Welcome to our November Newsletter!

Firstly, a big thank you to all who entered our Short Story Competition.

The judge has let us know that there are some fantastic stories, and we will be announcing the winners in the December newsletter.

Our final Unlocking Creativity courses for 2022 are currently underway, and we are thrilled to read the wonderful writing emerging from these courses.

$50 Discount off Gift Certificates for Xmas!

If you are thinking about creative Christmas presents, a Gift Certificate for our 4-Week Unlocking Creativity course is perfect for someone who has been wanting to write but needs a push, or is wanting to develop their writing further.

Plus, it is such a generous act to support people in realising their creative dream.

We are offering a $50 discount on our both our Online and Live 4-Week Unlocking Creativity course Gift Certificates for Christmas.

Use this ID code: XMAS to receive a $50 discount when purchasing a Gift Certificate.

Click for all the details here

Upcoming Xmas Holiday Dates

The upcoming holiday dates for writers currently undertaking a Novel & Script course are Friday 23 December until Sunday 22 January (inclusive).

Some tutors come back earlier In January and your tutor will be in touch with you in the coming weeks about their own schedule.

The Office will be open for inquiries and for bookings over the Xmas and January holiday period, other than on public holidays.

The Power of the Imagination

People often ask, how many writers in your courses are talented?

Our answer: everyone has talent when they learn to access the power of their imagination, the true source of creativity.

Participants in our introductory 4-Week Unlocking Creativity course experience this truth in the very first session when they see how well people write when they learn tools and techniques that enable them to access their creative essence.

Henry Miller puts it beautifully,

“Every day we slaughter our finest impulses. That is why we get a heart-ache when we read those lines written by the hand of a master and recognise them as our own, as the tender shoots which we stifled because we lacked the faith to believe in our own powers, our own criterion of truth and beauty.

Every person, when they get quiet, when they become desperately honest with themselves, is capable of uttering profound truths. We all derive from the same source. There is no mystery about the origin of things. We are all part of creation, all kings, all poets, all musicians; we have only to open up, only to discover what is already there.” 

The same principles apply in our Novel & Script courses where we set up a dance between structure and imagination. This allows your writing to soar while your story is grounded in a dramatic spine that takes your characters on a profound journey.

Quick Course Round-up

The next Unlocking Creativity Online course will commence 18 January  more >

Unlocking Creativity Live course will also commence on 18 January  more >

The next 6-Week course is the Writers’ Gym – Advanced Writing Techniques course starting on 20 February  (Unlocking Creativity is a prerequisite)  more >

The next 10-Month First Draft Online course will commence on 13 March  more >

The 10-Month First Draft Live with Roland, Kathleen & Richard is starting on 4 March  more >

Second Draft Live will commence on 4 February  more >

Second Draft Online will commence on 3 April  more >

The next Third Draft Online will commence on 6 February, register now for your pre-course work. Limited places  more >

The next Third Draft Live will commence TBA October 2023  more >

Third Draft Part 2 Online will commence on 17 July  more >

The Third Draft Part 2 Live will commence on 13 August  more >

Please contact Anastasia in the office on (02) 9386 4994 between 10am and 5pm Monday to Friday, if you have any questions at all about which course is right for you.

Success Stories

• One of our Novel & Script writers emailed us this week to let us know that they have signed a contract with an Australian publisher.
We will be able to share more information in upcoming newsletters. Their debut novel is due for release in early 2024!

• Harry P Russell, emailed to let us know that he has published a new book on Amazon, a sequel in his five-book series, titled, A Narcissist Unleashed: The Lies and Legacy of Vladimir Putin and his rebadged KGB. You can purchase Harry’s book ebook here

DVD Giveaways!

Darby and Joan

Thanks to Acorn Media, we have DVD copies of Darby and Joan, a limited series, starring Bryan Brown and Greta Scacchi to give-away.

Around Australia ‘the Grey Nomads’ rule the isolated, awe-inspiring, and often unseen world of the outback. A world where most people are either chasing something… or trying to escape it. Mysteries and secrets lurk for those who bother to look. Retired Australian detective Jack Darby (Brown) is fleeing his past mistakes. English widow Joan Kirk (Scacchi) is attempting to outrun her grief. And then on a remote backroad, their worlds collide. Thus begins an epic love story. A non-stop road movie. A mystery series. An outback odyssey.

To win a DVD email with your name, address and mobile to:

Recent Course Feedback

Some snippets of the wonderful feedback that we receive back from recently completed courses. We update these each newsletter. They show what a large variety of writers get out of our writing courses.

“Unlocking Creativity was exactly what it promised and more. I feel that I have learned some invaluable secrets and insights into the craft of writing. I feel as though I have air in my tyres after completing this course and my imagination is racing down the highway with new ideas.” Miv“My mind has truly been opened-up to understanding the craft of writing, the efficacy and value of each new process we built on each week. I so loved this experience and I want more of this magic.” Eileen, Unlocking Creativity

“I’ve loved putting pen to paper, establishing building blocks, creating a narrative and bringing scenes to life. Reading the writings of others and the positive classroom environment is inspiring in itself. I’m so much more aware of the possibilities of writing and my own self-enforced conventions. Things are going to change. The possibilities are endless.” Lucy, Unlocking Creativity

“My experience in this course was very profound and super enjoyable. I learnt so much about writing and it’s done exactly what it’s named ‘Unlocking Creativity’. No matter your goal, this course caters to and helps you achieve whatever that may be to you.” Sienna, Unlocking Creativity

“I love the course’s practicality. The doing and practising of your writing. This course has made me believe I can execute something worthwhile.” Aaron, Unlocking Creativity

“What a journey I’ve been on for the last month! I’ve done several other online courses, but this one takes the cake in terms of the teaching and learning methods it uses.’ Fiona, Unlocking Creativity

Power of the Imagination -

Please send me the next & other upcoming courses dates.
(If you have other questions – please use the form on the Contact Us page.)

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