July Newsletter & Upcoming Courses

Welcome to our July Newsletter.

Many beginner writers question their talent, believing that only a lucky few are blessed with the natural ability required to write worthwhile stories.

But Ed Catmull, president of Disney and a founder of Pixar Studio (Toy Story and Finding Dory) says in his book, Creativity Inc that this is not how it works. “I’ve known many people I consider to be creative geniuses, and not just at Pixar and Disney, and yet I can’t remember a single one who could articulate exactly what the vision was that they were striving for when they started.

“In my experience creative people discover and realise their vision over time through dedicated, protracted struggle. We humans like to know where we are headed, but creativity demands we  step up to the boundary of what we know and what we don’t know. There is a sweet spot between the known and unknown where originality happens, the key is to linger there without panicking.”

This is what one participant wrote after completing our 10 Month Novel & Script First Draft course. “The course’s  structure fed my imagination. It encouraged me to take the story down paths I had not even considered which, in the end, made the story what it is. I have been so surprised and proud. The resources and structure allowed me to achieve something I never thought I would. Thank you!” Elissa (see more First Draft reviews below)

Quick Course Round-up

Unlocking Creativity Online course will commence on 7 August more >

The next Unlocking Creativity Live commence on 5 September (The 25 July course has a wait-list) more >

Our next upcoming 6-Week course, the Short Story – Genre Course starts on 28 October. (Unlocking Creativity is a prerequisite for this course, and all of our courses. Please register early & reserve your place, as these courses book out.) more >

The next 10-Month Novel & Script First Draft Online course starts 28 October more >

The 10-Month Novel & Script First Draft Live course starting 7 September, with Roland, Kathleen & Richard is filling fast. Reserve your place early, this course has limited places more >

The next Second Draft Online course will start on 16 September more >

Third Draft Online course will start on 19 August, with limited places in this course more >

Third Draft Live with Roland, Zahid, Kelly & Richard will commence 16 November and is now open for bookings more >

Third Draft Extension Online with Kelly will commence on 11 November with limited places. *A place has opened up in the 22 July course, click more, to take this final spot.* more >

Please contact the office on (02) 9386 4994 between 10.30am and 3pm Monday to Friday, if you have any questions at all about which course is right for you.

Success Stories & Events

Richard Cornally

Richard Cornally, one of our senior tutors is directing a play “We are the Himalayas” written by Mark Langham.

“I know you’re scared. You damn well should be, this place is dreadful.”

Anna Larina was the wife of one of the architects of the Russian Revolution, Nikolai Bukharin. With his downfall and execution, she was persecuted for twenty years, separated from her family, and spent her prime years in a succession of gulags.

‘We Are The Himalayas’ will run from Wednesday 3 July until Sunday 21 July

Fringe HQ – Downstairs Theatre #1
26 Bayswater Rd, Potts Point

Enter this Discount Code when booking to receive a discount for Writers’ Studio writers & friends: wstudio


Mandy Newman

Mandy one of our Novel & Script writers has let us know that she has been offered an 8-book deal with Cengage to write 4 books and 4 teacher guides on writing for Years 7-10.

Year 7 is out in October with others to follow in November and 2020!

Congratulations Mandy!

Cait Duggan

Just a reminder that Cait Duggan’s debut novel ‘The Last Balfour’  (published by Harper Collins) will be available for sale on 22 July.

“Magic and fire are kindred things … Iona Balfour’s life is turned upside down when her beloved aunt Grizel is executed for the crime of witchcraft. Before she dies, Grizel appoints Iona as guardian of a precious family bloodstone and tells her she must flee their village and deliver the stone to the mysterious Guild of the Green Lion.”

Click here to pre-order

Free Advanced Screening

We have a few double passes to give away care of Madman Entertainment, to see a preview screening of Apollo 11 in Sydney.

Crafted from a newly discovered trove of 65mm footage, and more than 11,000 hours of uncatalogued audio recordings, Apollo 11 takes us straight to the heart of NASA’s most celebrated mission.

Thursday 11 July starting at 6:30pm
Event Cinema, George Street, Sydney

If you would like a ticket please email: rsvp@writerstudio.com.au with your name and mobile number.

Recent Course Feedback

Some snippets of the wonderful feedback that we receive back from recently completed courses. We update these each newsletter. They show what a large variety of writers get out of our writing courses. 

“Oh, what an enjoyable and fun experience! I walk away from this course with a new understanding and a desire to learn more. It has also given me the confidence to continue writing and explore where it may take me.” Rachell, Unlocking Creativity

“The course was a revelation in that it articulated all those things that make a good story. The truth taught by the course – that you have to be actually writing, not thinking about writing – was really brought home to me in the magic that emerged on the page.” Jane, Unlocking Creativity

“The greatest gift that this course has given me has been the structured plan to write a story. I, as the writer, am actually just along for the ride while the story starts telling itself. That is pure unadulterated magic! I’ve been swept along and ended up in places I never would have imagined!” Marie-Louise, Unlocking Creativity

“This course was hugely enjoyable. The main thing I took away from this course was how easily it is to write when you are given a structure to look at and how the planning helps you keep on the topic effortlessly.” Daniel, Unlocking Creativity

“What a journey this has been, one that I will be forever grateful for.” Jayde, Unlocking Creativity

“It’s been an incredible four-week course that has simply gone in the blink of an eye. I’ve been so encouraged that I’m looking at continuing to, and to develop my characters further.” Diane, Unlocking Creativity

“These past four weeks have been so wonderful and I’ve learnt so much about the art of writing. It has been so inspiring to be able to have slowly built up my writing skills and my confidence to keep going.” Tania, Unlocking Creativity

“I have loved every minute of this course – it has given me so much more than simply spitting out a story. It’s been a very trying year personally, and knowing that I have had this story to escape to, these characters to speak to and love, has been a huge comfort and a real joy. Thank you for helping me get my mind onto a page!” Anne, First Draft

“Great feedback and support, even when I was flagging due to too many other commitments, I received just the right amount of encouragement and support to keep going.” Marlowe, First Draft

“Thank you for all the support. It’s been a wonderful journey & after years of wanting to write a novel your course has pushed me to finally achieve it. I’m over the moon!” Hazel, First Draft

“Initially I found the structure confronting and challenging. And, in my naivety, I also felt it risked compromising creativity and spontaneity. How thoroughly incorrect and misguided I was! The structure provides an enormous freedom and wonderful platform for creativity and story development, far beyond what I had envisaged. This course is so clever. Very challenging, unique, inspiring, educational and just a real cracker!! I am very grateful, and count my blessings that I have had the opportunity to undertake and complete this fabulous course. I have learnt so much, and it has been the shining light in the year.” Annie, First Draft

“The course materials were annoyingly brilliant. When all I wanted to do is crack on with the next part of the story, the materials have made me think in different directions and on different levels. This has given my story a depth which my own piffle would have not even have brushed the surface of.” Carl, First Draft

“I loved the course. I have been so surprised and proud of what I’ve been able to achieve. The excellent resources and structure of the course plus Clare’s helpful tutoring have allowed me to achieve something I never thought I would. Thank you!” Elissa, First Draft

“I like the framework the structure provides which allows my imagination to explore the landscape of the story. Without it, I fear my imagination may have been too scared to venture out and explore. Thank you for a brilliant course. I have been challenged, stretched, encouraged, surprised and thrilled. I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of producing a first draft of my first novel and can’t wait to move into second draft.” Siobhan, First Draft

  The Writers’ Studio, Level 1, Cnr Leichhardt Street & Lugar Brae Avenue, Bronte NSW 2024
wstudio@writerstudio.com.au | +61 2 9386 4994 | writerstudio.com.au

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Beginner Writers -

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