March Newsletter & Upcoming Courses

Welcome to our March Newsletter.

We trust that everyone who is doing courses with us is keeping the spark of creativity alive in their soul, whether you are doing our 4-Week Unlocking Creativity Course, 6-Week Writers’ Gym or are writing your novel or screenplay.

Many people wonder with so many books having been written, how can they possibly write something that is unique and interesting.

Donald Maass, New York literary agent and author, says:

“Originality does not come from your genre, setting, plot, characters or any other element on which you work. Originality can only come from what you bring of yourself to your story. In other words, originality is not a function of your novel; it is a quality in you.

“Your take on the world is not only valid, it is necessary. Embrace the importance of what you have to share with the rest of us and you have the beginning of what makes novels great.”

In the very first session of Unlocking Creativity, writers discover how unique their voice is when they learn to tap into the power of their imagination, the true source of creative power. They then learn tools and techniques enabling them to craft the outpouring of their imagination into a form that connects their writing and stories with readers.

Click on the image below to watch a new video review of our 4-Week Unlocking Creativity Course. Ben’s video is the first one.

Free Tickets to Advanced Screening

We have a few double passes to give away care of Madman Films, to see an advanced screening of
the new crime thriller ‘Destroyer’ starring Nicole Kidman.

When a fresh case exposes history from a former investigation, LAPD detective Erin Bell (Nicole Kidman) is forced to face her demons, in this genre-defining work from Karyn Kusama (Girlfight, Æon Flux).

Event Cinemas at Bondi Junction, Sydney
Monday 18th March 2019 at 6.30pm

If you would like a ticket please email: with your name and mobile number.

Success Stories & Events

Rebecca Rocheford-Davies

Rebecca, one of our Novel & Script writers has a theatrical production – ‘Russian Transport’, opening this month in Sydney, at Darlinghurst’s Eternity Playhouse from the 9 March – 31 March.

A powerful and suspenseful drama, Russian Transport follows an immigrant Russian family struggling to survive in Brooklyn, NY.

“An engrossing moral thriller” – Time Out New York – “A must see” play” – Chicago Critic

Enter this Discount Code when booking to receive a discount for Writers’ Studio writers & friends: 4FRIENDS

For all information and tickets:  click here

Zahid Gamieldien

Zahid, one of our senior Novel & Script tutors has a new short story ‘The Children’ which has just been published through UK publisher Platypus Press.

“Gamieldien’s unsettling and visceral rural mystery shows that human brutality can come from where you least suspect it.”

To purchase a digital copy of The Children:  click here

Recent Course Feedback

Some snippets of the wonderful feedback that we receive back from recently completed courses. We update these each newsletter. They show what a large variety of writers get out of our writing courses.

“This course gave me and proved I had the tenacity to keep writing several times a week. It confirmed yet again that writing is my “Happy Place’. I’ve always stuck to the comfort of non-fiction writing, but in the last 4 weeks I really ventured out in to the creative world of fiction walking in the shoes of so many different characters I never knew were inside of me. Dashika, Unlocking Creativity Live Feb 2019

“Unlocking Creativity is right. The promise of the course is in the name and the course fulfils on that promise. I was at a point where I felt like I just couldn’t come up with ideas. But over the last 4 weeks I’ve come up with more ideas and even taken more action on old ideas that were at the back of my mind then I have in the past couple of years.” Ben, Unlocking Creativity Live, Feb 2019

“Over the past four weeks I’ve had my eyes opened to limitless possibilities; I’ve learned about story structure, character development and to practice that art of showing not telling and I’m lovin it.” Elise, Unlocking Creativity Online Jan 2019

“The sense of community the course facilitates along with the excellent guidance our tutor provided, all help in taking another step, followed by another. Now, all too soon, I’m at the end. But it doesn’t feel like the end, more like another beginning.” Robert, Unlocking Creativity Online Jan 2019

“The Writers Studio Unlocking Creativity course has blown my mind and given rise to an outpouring of something I could not control. I was a ball of unbridled emotion (I hear you laughing), ready to be set free. I felt like the over excited kid in class for most of it, but I didn’t care, it was too joyous to contain.” Janine, Unlocking Creativity Online Jan 2019

“I have loved every minute of this course – it has given me so much more than simply spitting out a story. …..knowing that I have had this story to escape to, these characters to speak to and love, has been a huge comfort and a real joy. Thank you for helping me get my mind onto a page!” Anne, First Draft Online, just completed Feb 2019

“This course is so clever. Very challenging, unique, inspiring, educational and just a real cracker!! I am very grateful, and count my blessings that I have had the opportunity to undertake and complete this fabulous course. I have learnt so much, and it has been the shining light in the year.” Annie, First Draft Online, just completed Feb 2019

“Thank you for a  brilliant course. I have been challenged, stretched, encouraged, surprised  and thrilled. I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of producing a first draft of my first novel and can’t wait to move into second draft.” Siobhan, First Draft Online, just completed Feb 2019

  The Writers’ Studio, Level 1, Cnr Leichhardt Street & Lugar Brae Avenue, Bronte NSW 2024 | +61 2 9386 4994 |

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What Makes Your Writing and Stories Unique -

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(If you have other questions – please use the form on the Contact Us page.)

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