March Newsletter & Upcoming Courses

Welcome to our Newsletter.

The question nearly every writer constantly asks themselves on a regular basis is, “do I have the talent?”

When people participate in our 4-Week Unlocking Creativity course, they are invariably blown away about how talented everyone is when they get out of their own way and write from their imagination, which we believe is the true source of creative power.

Having said that, if you want to write a novel or a screenplay, you have to learn the art and craft of fiction writing. It does take time to harness and channel your creativity to create a story that other people will want to read.

Erik Bork in his book, ‘The Idea: The Seven Elements of a Viable Story for Screen, Stage or Fiction’ talks about the role of talent in writing.

He writes:

“It’s easy to get caught up in thinking of it in terms of “haves” and “have-nots”: that there are the elite who are talented and thus successful, and then there’s… everybody else.

“I like what Akiva Goldsman said about this at a rally during the 2007–08 writers’ strike. He was then one of the most successful screenwriters in the business. (He won the Oscar for A Beautiful Mind.) Throughout his life, he said, people kept telling him to “stop”—that he didn’t have what it took to make it as a writer. The secret of his success? He just never stopped.

“There’s much wisdom to that simple statement. I don’t know that any of us are born talented. Things might come quicker or more innately for some than for others, but most of our early scripts (and early drafts of our current scripts, even) are not “good” in the sense that others would read them and want to get behind them. In my view, “talent” (i.e., that thing some people have that allows them to succeed) is almost entirely about attitude and practice, and not native ability.”

If you want to be a writer, the only failure is stopping.

Quick Course Round-up

Unlocking Creativity Online will commence next Wednesday on 11 March, with a few places still open more >

Unlocking Creativity Live will commence 30 April more >

The next upcoming 6-Week course is the Character Development Short Story course starting 15 June. (Unlocking Creativity is a prerequisite.) Reserve your place now more >

The next 10-Month First Draft Online course will commence on 22 June more >

The next 10-Month First Draft Live course with Roland, Kathleen & Richard will start on 12 September more >

Second Draft Online will start on 6 April. Register for your pre-course work more >

Second Draft Live commenced on 2 February. You can still join this course, register asap for your course work to date more >

The next Third Draft Online course will start on 17 August more >

Third Draft Live with Roland, Zahid & Richard commenced 16 November, however, you can still join this course. There’s been only one session so far, and you can catch up online before the second session more >

Third Draft Part 2 (Extension) Online will commence 20 July  more >

Third Draft Part 2 (Extension) Live will commence 21 March more >

Please contact the office on (02) 9386 4994 between 10.30am and 3pm Monday to Friday, if you have any questions at all about which course is right for you.

Free Movie Tickets

Thanks to Madman Films, we have 10 double passes to give-away to the new upcoming feature film ‘Hearts and Bones’ starring Hugo Weaving.

A war photographer has just returned home to prepare for his latest exhibition when a refugee appears at his door with a request – that he not exhibit any photographs of the massacre in his village, taken 15 years earlier.

‘Heart and Bones’ opens nationally on 30 April.

If you would like to win one of these double passes, please email:

Include your name, mobile number and address.

Gift Certificates

A Gift Certificate for our 4-Week Unlocking Creativity Course, either live or online, is the perfect present for someone who has been wanting to write but needs a push, or is wanting to develop their writing further.

Plus, it is such a generous act to support people in realising their creative dream.

Gift Certifcates are valid for 3 years from purchase date.


Success Stories

Margaret Mason

Margaret (who some of you may remember from her time working in the office at the Writers’ Studio, or as a classmate), has recently published her first novel, ‘Call Me Kismet’, under the pen name PJ Mayhem.

(Anyone who has done a face-to-face class with Roland should keep an eye out for the reference to the pop-up toaster technique!)

Kismet’s destined to fall in love … but that’s not the future she had in mind. With all signs pointing to the one person who isn’t interested, fate is going to need a helping hand—if she’s to trust it at all …

“Really, really funny and a great read … from the opening paragraph I was laughing.” Ian Andrew-Book Reality*

Congratulations Margaret !

To purchase a copy of Call Me Kismet, click here

Oliver Sands

Oliver, a Writers’ Studio alumni, wrote to let us know that he has published his novel ‘Breeda Looney Steps Forth’ with deGrivelo Publishing, and it already has great reviews on Goodreads.

Breeda Looney tells herself she’s happy with her life in a small Irish fishing village. Sure, there are days she talks to no one but the cat, but then Breeda makes a shocking discovery that flips her world upside down.

Her father, said to have died when Breeda was a child, might actually still be alive. As she digs up the family dirt to find him, Breeda begins to wonder… has she taken a step too far?

Congratulations Oliver !

To pre-order a copy of Breeda Loony Steps Forth click here

Recent Course Feedback

Some snippets of the wonderful feedback that we receive back from recently completed courses. We update these each newsletter. They show what a large variety of writers get out of our writing courses.

“Enrolling in this course was like jumping off a cliff. The course showed me that I could learn tools and techniques, and if I trusted the process then my imagination would come to the party. It was profoundly surprising to see the words flowing out of my blue-black ink pen.” Christine, Unlocking Creativity Online

“Doing the Unlocking Creativity course for a second time was just as satisfying, in fact more so.” Nella, Unlocking Creativity

“Unlocking Creativity is highly addictive. More than any other writing course or program it has pushed my writing forward faster and led me to deep, dark places where the stories I want to write live. Most surprising was the speed. I’ve written more interesting work in an hour than I’ve previously slaved over for a month. Sometimes I’ve shocked myself at what’s come out of the end of my pen.” Marilyn, Unlocking Creativity

“This course has encouraged me to return to following my writing dreams. I hadn’t realised what just four weeks of concerted effort could achieve. I thoroughly recommend this course to all with a writing interest!” Janet, Unlocking Creativity

“One word: ‘Wow’! In four weeks, Unlocking Creativity has opened my eyes to the key elements of story structure and scene setting that many other courses simply didn’t explain. The exercises and writing tasks gave me a unique insight into my writing style. What I do well and what I can work on to improve. It’s been wonderful to have the opportunity to submit my work for review and feedback in a safe and nurturing environment. The best thing I’ve done for my writing in a long time.” Claudine, Unlocking Creativity

“I’m so glad I did the Unlocking Creativity course! I was only able to learn that because the nurturing environment of the Writers’ Studio made me feel comfortable enough to overcome the nerves I had regarding my style. My only regret is that I didn’t do this course sooner.” Tegan, Unlocking Creativity

“I found it inspirational and encouraging, challenging and so rewarding. It has been an incredible environment in which to share with and learn from other writers. I’ll be forever grateful that I did this course!” Elizabeth, Unlocking Creativity

“I’d highly recommend the Unlocking Creativity course. It’s such a rewarding experience and you’d be surprised as to how much you find out. Not only about writing short stories but also about yourself.” Tanisha, Unlocking Creativity

“The course is really well structured with both lessons and exercises and it really puts you in the mindset of writing every day, not only tapping into your creativity but also asking you to adhere to guidelines and deadlines which in turn create discipline. I’m really glad I did it!” Silvia, Unlocking Creativity

“I’ve learnt so much throughout the duration of this short course and gained more confidence in my writing thanks to the support and encouragement from those that participated in the course with me, and the tutors.” Chelsea, Unlocking Creativity

“I really felt this was a valuable experience and money well spent. I would recommend this course to every writer because I know that success would be accelerated by this experience. In conclusion I feel I must congratulate Writers Studio on its success in imparting such valuable.” Elaine, Unlocking Creativity

“The thing that has surprised me the most, has been learning that structure can unleash my creativity – a seemingly incongruent concept, but now I totally get it and believe it. I’ve loved watching where my pen has taken me – down unexpected and enjoyable story lines. I have absolutely loved it!” Rebecca, Unlocking Creativity

“This course is the most liberating, inspirational, nurturing and fulfilling activity I have undertaken in a very long time. I had no idea there were such simple yet utterly effective strategies for finding the right words and structures to create an interesting or even compelling story in such a short time. Thank you to all at the Writer’s Studio.” Jean, Unlocking Creativity

“The First Draft online course is extremely well done actually. I must admit I was pleasantly surprised and thought without doing the live course there would be no way of achieving ta First Draft! But there you go, I was wrong. My tutor Helen helped me to find new story lines and depths to my characters and plot that I did not see and she was very encouraging and positive! Altogether, the course materials, the emails, the step by step guide, the encouragement and inspirational quotes from other authors and Kathleen videos, made me push forward when at times, I hate to admit it, I wanted to give up.” Lisa, First Draft

“I am so pleased that even when I felt the fear, that little voice that says I’m not good enough, can’t do it, it’s too risky that I did it anyway, enrolled in the 10-month first draft and took the plunge to do something I’ve always wanted to do for myself. I wish I’d found The Writers Studio years earlier. I recommend to anyone seeking a writing course that it’s a valuable course to undertake because it prompts the writer to write daily, be accountable and inspires to take that next step so words can develop into a better story. I am grateful for the course, my tutor and the team at the Writers Studio.” Lorraine, First Draft

“Thanks for an amazing course! It was one of the hardest things I’ve done but so worth it.” Sophie, First Draft

“I’ve loved the course and I’m proud of myself for sticking to it through to the end.” Amanda, First Draft


Do I have the talent? -

Please send me the next & other upcoming courses dates.
(If you have other questions – please use the form on the Contact Us page.)

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