Course Information
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Prerequisite: Second Draft Writing course.

How the Third Draft Writing Course Works
While you will refine your structure in this course, the focus is very much on the craft of writing, re-writing and editing and making each scene as good as it can be.
The Third Draft is the most challenging yet exciting part of the writing process.
The course has two key components.
Part 1 – Working on the craft
This is where you use the tools, course materials and feedback from your tutor to write your chapters in a way that will engage your readers and keep them turning the page, wanting to know what happens next.
You learn how to create compelling drama and micro-tension on each page so the tension builds organically and logically.
You submit writing every month and will receive detailed feedback from your tutor.
The process will transform your writing.
Part 2 – Writing ahead
You will write ahead without going back and revising. This keeps the story alive in your imagination and creates a satisfying body of work to re-write and edit down the track.
We recommend you write at least one to three chapters ahead each month using the templates provided. You will receive structural guidance from your tutor to make sure your story is on track.

On Learning the Craft of Re-writing and Editing
“The art of writing is the art of re-writing. Success depends on attitude and patience as you take it one step at a time. So much of writing is about re-writing, I never get it right the first few times. I’m of the school that it’s in the re-writes that the story is born. It’s a refiner’s craft. As territorial as we are, it is important to be challenged.”
Tina Howe, Nominated twice for Pulitzer Prize for Drama
“Most writers spend too much time looking at the big picture and not enough time down in the mines doing the nitty-gritty of the scene work. If you can master this skill of the scene you will be well ahead of the game.” Matt Bird – The Secrets of Story
“Re-writing is king. Whether you make it or don’t make it is in the re-write.” Michael Connelly

How the Course Works
During the course you will:
- Follow a process to explore, clarify and focus the spine of each chapter before re-writing and editing. To have your writing work on the page for your reader, you need to first be clear about your characters’ motivation and have a sound structure.
- Learn how to shape your writing in a way that connects your readers emotionally with your characters and story.
- Receive detailed, critical feedback on your writing and do extensive re-writing and editing to make every scene as good as it can be. Having fresh eyes review and critique your work, is critical to your progress as a writer.
- Speak with your tutor once a month to discuss your story and writing.
- Have your writing flowing logically and dramatically so everything makes sense and your story feels authentic.
- Write forward in rough-draft form without revising to set you up for future re-writing and editing.
If you work through the process one step at a time, you will be amazed at how much your writing improves as you master the course’s tools and techniques and take on the feedback from your tutor.