Short Story Writing Competitions WRITING COMPETITIONS 2023

Listed below are upcoming Short Story competitions and other Writing competitions that you might like to enter. They are listed by submission closing date, not when the competition is open.

Please read any instructions and entry requirements on the competition/awards website.

If you would like your Short Story or Writing Competition to be listed, please email:


Australian Book reviewThe 2023 Calibre Essay Prize

Prize money: $7,500

Entry fees

Current ABR subscribers: $20
Standard/non-subscribers: $30*

Closing Date: 15 January 2023


Romance WritersRomance Writers of Australia

The Romantic Book of the Year (RUBY) is our contest for published novels and novellas by Australian or New Zealand authors. It includes sections for Contemporary, Historical, Suspense, Speculative Fiction, Romantic Elements and Novella.

Romantic novels (40K+) and novellas (10K–40K) which were first published (in digital or print) between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022. Limit of 3 entries per entrant.

Entry fee: $69.00 inc GST

Closing Date: Monday 16 January 2023


Geelong Regional Libraries & Deakin University Local Word Writing Prize

Geelong Libraries Local WordSubmissions of up to 3000 words are welcome from emerging and established writers in prose fiction and creative nonfiction.

The winner of the prize will receive a cash prize of $2000 and a one-hour mentoring session with a Deakin University writing practitioner. Publication on GRLC’s website and announcement in GRLC’s e-newsletter

Commended writers will receive a cash prize of $250 and publication on GRLC’s website and announcement in GRLC’s e-newsletter

Closing Date: 28th January 2023


black&write! Writing Fellowships 2023

Fellowships for unpublished manuscripts by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander writers.

Two winning Fellows will each receive:

$10,000 prize money
Manuscript development with black&write!
Publication opportunity with Hachette Australia

Closing Date: 31 January 2023



Stringybark Open Short Story Awards 2023

1500 words or fewer in length, have a link to Australia in it, be written for an audience aged 16 and above.

First Prize $500 + publication, Second Prize $300 Third & Fourth Prizes

Closing Date: 12 February 2023


Forty South LogoThe Tasmanian Writers’ Prize 2023

The prize is for short stories up to 3,000 words having an island, or island-resonant, theme.

The winning entry receives a cash prize of $500.

A selection of the best entries will be published in the Forty South Short Story Anthology 2023

Closing Date: 14 February 2023


The Margery Allingham Short Mystery Competition

The international Margery Allingham Short Mystery Prize is an open competition open to all – both published and unpublished authors from all over the world – for short stories of up to 3,500 words.

The entry fee is £12

The winner receives a generous cash prize of £500

Closing Date: 28 February 2023


Minds Shine Bright Writing Competition 2023

Mine Shine BrightEach entry must be original, unpublished fiction or poetry written by the submitting author and included the theme of confidence in some way.

Word limits

up to 1000 words – flash fiction

1000 -5000 words – short story

up to 5000 words – short script

up to 260 lines – poetry

Prizes $1600 – The overall winner, plus publication in Confidence Minds Shine Bright Anthology 2023

$800 – for each of the four category winners plus publication in Confidence Minds Shine Bright Anthology 2023 (The overall winner is excluded from all other prizes) Categories include short stories, short scripts, flash fiction and poetry)

$175 – for each commended entry plus publication in Confidence Minds Shine Bright Anthology 2023

Closing Date: 28 February 2023


MARCH 2023

Mulga Bill Writing CompetitionMulga Bill Writing Award 2023

Goldfields Libraries and Eaglehawk Festivals Inc. are calling for entries from writers all over Australia for the annual Mulga Bill Writing Award. Writers are encouraged to take inspiration from the theme ‘gold’, and submit a poem (max. 25 lines) or short story (max. 2000 words).

Short story: $500 first prize, $150 second prize, Poetry: $200 first prize, $50 second prize

Entry fee is $5

Closing Date: 3 March, 2023


The SCWC 2023 Poetry Award 2023

The Award is open to submissions of poems up to 50 lines responding to the theme “In Colour”, with four prizes to win totalling $1300.

The Award will have guest judge Peter Ramm, published South Coast poet and winner of multiple awards including the SCWC 2021 Poetry Award.

Submission fee per poem is $15/$10 for SCWC members.

Closing Date: 5 March 2023


Little Black Dress Spooky Story Competition

The theme for 2022 is ‘After Midnight’. Adults: $10 per entry Youth: Free

YOUTH: Max 500 words, one entry only (Australian residents) ADULT: Max 1,200, unlimited entries (WA residents only)

Closing Date: 15 March 2023


Peter Carey Short Story Awards 2023

Moorabool CouncilSubmissions open 30 January. The award is for short stories between 2000 – 3000 words, and is open to all Australian residents.

The winning entry receives $2000, while the runner-up wins $1000. First and second prized stories will also be published in the Spring 2023 issue of Meanjin.

Entry fee is $15 per story

Closing Date: 16 March 2023


Northern Beaches Writers’ Group Competition

Stories up to 2,500 words that are inspired by the theme of ‘RAIN’, along with at least one copyright-free image that reflects and enhances that story.

Stories can be non-fiction, fiction, or fiction inspired by true events. All genres and styles welcome.

Entry fee: $15. Multiple entries also welcome.

Prizes: First place ($250 + online publication), Second place ($100 + online publication).

Closing Date: 31 March 2023


Ada Cambridge Biographical Prose Prize

Williamstown Literary Festival Ada Cambridge Biographical Prose Prize

Type: Short non-fiction

Word limit: 1000-3000 words

Prizes: First Prize $500

Entry fee: $15

Open to all writers aged 18+ residing in Victoria.

Closing date: 10 March 2023


APRIL 2023

Forgarty Literary AwardsThe Fogarty Literary Award

The Fogarty Literary Award is proudly sponsored by the Fogarty Foundation and Fremantle Press.

The prize is biennial and is awarded to an unpublished manuscript by a Western Australian author aged between 18 and 35 for a work of adult fiction, narrative non-fiction or young adult fiction. ‘

The winner receives a cash prize of $20,000 and a publishing contract with Fremantle Press.

Closing Date: 18 April 2023


Australian Book Review – Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize

Australian Book reviewThe Elizabeth Jolley Prize is for an original work of short fiction between 2,000 and 5,000 words, written in English.

Entry fee: Online entry (current ABR subscriber) $20

Online entry (standard/non subscriber) $30 Non-subscribers will receive digital access to ABR free of charge for four months.

First prize: $6,000, Second prize: $4,000, Third prize: $2,500)

Closing date: 24 April 2023


Letter Review Prize for Poetry

Length: Each individual poem should not exceed 70 lines.

Prizes: $800 USD total prize pool. First Prize is $400 USD and publication, Second Prize is $250 USD and publication, Third Prize is $150 USD and publication. All entries are considered for publication.

Entry Fee: $15 USD for one poem, $27 for two, and $35 for three. You may enter as many poems as you wish.

Closing Date: 30th April 2023


Furphy Short Story Competition 2023

Furphy-STORYTheme: Australian Life in all its diversity

Type: Short story

Word limit: 5,000 words

Prizes: Winner $15,000, Second place $3,000, Third place $2,000

Closing date: 30 April 2023


Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay ContestWinning writers logo

Type: Story fiction and essay

Prize: Winner for both categories $3,000

Closing date: 30 April 2023


Screencraft ScreenCraft

US Screenwriting Competitions

Comedy/Feature Film/Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Closing Date: 30 April


Desperate Literature Short Fiction Prizedesperate-literature-logo

Type: Short story fiction

Word limit: up to 2,000 words

Entry fee: €20 for the first entry, €10 for every further entry (max 5 per person)

Prizes: Winner €1,500 (see the link below for full prize information)

Closing date: 30 April 2023


MAY 2023

WritersDigestWriter’s Digest 92nd Annual Writing Competition

Categories: inspiration/spiritual, memoirs/personal essay, non-fiction essay or article, genre short story, mainstream, rhyming poetry, humour

Prizes: Winner $5,000 in cash and publication

Each category winner will also win $1,000 in cash and the publication of their piece

Closing date: 5 May 2023


ARA Historical Novel PrizeARALogo

A new literary prize for historical fiction

Prizes: Adult category winner $50,000, with two additional shortlisted authors winning $5,000 each

Closing date: Early bird entries 9 May, general entries 14 June


2023 PAGE International Screenwriting AwardPageScreenwritingAwards

A US-based screenwriting competition for the following three formats: feature film scripts, short film scripts and TV pilots. The competion is open to anyone over 18, including Australian residents.

Entry fee: $87

You may enter your script in whichever category or categories you choose. The price of the first category is included in your entry fee, and if your script fits in more than one genre, you may enter it in more than one category for an additional $18 each.

Prize: $25,000 Grand prize

Closing date: 15 May 2023


2023 Sutherland Shire Environment Centre’s R D Walshe Memorial Writing for the Environment PrizeSutherlandShireEnvironmentCentre

Short story – no more than 800 words

Prizes: Winner $500, Second place $250, Third place $100
For the Over 60 category: Winner: $500, Runner-up: $100

Closing date: 31 May 2023


JUNE 2023

The Big Issue’s 19th annual Fiction Edition

Theme: We are looking for stories of all kinds – literary, comedy, romance, sci-fi, crime, and everything in between

Prizes: Every author published is paid $500

Closing date: 1 June 2023


Imagine 2200: Write the future

Theme: imagine a future in which solutions to the climate crisis flourish and help bring about radical improvements to our world.

Word limit: 3,000 – 5,000 words

Prizes: Winner $3,000, Second place $2,000, Third place $1,000
An additional nine finalists will each receive $300

Closing date: 13 June 2023


Green Stories Novel PrizeGreenStories

Theme: All submissions must conform to the green stories criteria of showcasing positive visions of a more sustainable society or incorporating green solutions into the context of an otherwise mainstream story.

Word limit: Typically novels are 60,000 – 95,000 words. Submit three chapters* (minimum of 4000 words, maximum 10,000 words) as one document that must include the following:

  • the first chapter
  • another chapter that best showcases how your novel meets the green stories criteria
  • a third chapter (suggest the final chapter if possible)
  • a synopsis between 500 and 1000 words (name and contact details optional – we can identify via submission page) that covers genre, plot, characters, and details of how it meets the green stories criteria of showcasing positive visions of a more sustainable society or incorporating green solutions into the context of an otherwise mainstream story.

Entry fee: free!

Prizes: Winner £1000/$1200, Second place £500/$600

Closing date: 23 June 2023


Wyndham Writing Awards

The Wyndham Writing Awards returns in 2023 to inspire, encourage and recognise emerging Victorian adult writers and literary creators. Open to Victorian adult residents aged 18+

Type and word limit:

  • Short Story: Between 1,500 and 3,000 words
  • Poetry: 60 lines maximum
  • Flash Story: Between 100 and 600 words

Prizes: $3,600 total prize pool across the 3 categories

Closing date: 30 June 2023


National Writing Competition 2023SocietyOfWomen

The Society’s National Writing Competition is open to women writers who are residents of Australia, aged 18 years+, members and non-members.

Type: Short Story Fiction, Short Story Non-Fiction and Poetry

Entry fee: $30 members and $45 non-members

Prizes: Winner $500, Highly Commended $250 and Commended $100

Closing date: 30 June 2023


The Moth Short Story Prize 2023

The Moth Short Story Prize is an international prize, open to anyone from anywhere in the world, as long as their story is original and previously unpublished.

Word limit: 3,000 word

Entry fee: €15 per story

Prizes: Winner €3,000, Second place is a week at Circle of Misse plus open travel stipend, Third place €1,000

Closing date: 30 June 2023


Flash 500 Fiction Competition

This is a quarterly open-themed competition, open to all international writers.Flash-500-writing-competition-logo-final

Word limit: 500 words

Entry fee: £5 for one story, £8 for two stories, £11 for three stories, £14 for four stories

Prizes: Winner £300, Second place £200, Third place£100

Closing date: 30 June 2023


JULY 2023

SD HARVEY  Short Crime Story Award

SD Harvey Short Crime Story Award is hosted by the Kennedy Foundation and recognises excellence in this genre of writing, either fiction or non-fiction. It is open to all budding crime writers and journalists.

Word limit: 2,000 – 5,000 words

Entry fee: $60

Prizes: Winner $1,000

Closing date: 1 July 2023


cropped-Letter-Review-Ucraft-1Letter Review Prize for Short Stories

Letter Review believes in the power of literature, and in the importance and magic of new writing. The top three winning entries are published by Letter Review, each with its own attractive original commissioned artwork.

No theme or genre restrictions, and this is open to writers around the world.

World limit: 1000-3000 words.

Entry fee: $20USD for one submission, $35USD for two, $45USD for three.

Prizes: Winner $600, Second place $250, Third place $150

Closing date: 1 July 2023


The LIMINAL & Pantera Press Nonfiction PrizeWritersVictoria

Theme: ARCHIVE. Archives are not merely sites where knowledge is retrieved, but sites where knowledge is produced. What is placed in an archive is often a monument to political authority—and the narrative that authority wishes to tell.

Word limit: max 4,000 words

Prizes: Winner $10,00 Second place $2,000

Closing date: 1 July 2023


The Richell PrizeEmergingWritersFestival

Type: Works of adult fiction or adult narrative non-fiction are accepted

Prize: Winning Entry: $10,000 and a 12-month mentorship with Hachette Australia

Entries must be saved as a single PDF, comprised of the following:

  • The first three chapters of the work with a maximum word length of 20,000 words;
  • A one-page synopsis;
  • A chapter breakdown of the rest of the work, no more than two A4 pages long;

You will also need to write a statement up to 750 words about how winning the prize will further your writing career, to be entered in the online form at the time of submission.

Closing date: 7 July 2023


E.M. Fletcher Writing Competition

Type: Short story
Theme: A family history/genealogy. Every family has a story – write yours now!
Word limit: 1,500-2,000 words
Entry fee: $20 for members and $30 for non-members
Prizes: Winner $1000, Second place $500
Closing date: 15 July 2023

Not Quite Write – Flash Fiction Competition cropped-NQW_Small

A flash fiction competition with a twist! The competition commences on 14 July 2023, and at this time, NQW will announce the competition criteria by email to those who have registered for email updates. Writers will then have 60 hours to submit a 600-word piece of original fiction in response to the given criteria.

Word limit: Maximum 600 words

Entry is free

Prizes: Winner $300

Closing date: 16 July 2023

Albury City Short Story Award

Open to any theme!

Word limit: Maximum 3,000 words

Entry fee: $10

Prizes: Winner $1,000, Second place $200 book voucher, Third place $100 book voucher

Closing date: 25 July 2023


Short Stories Unlimited Short Story Competition – Urban

Theme: As the name suggests, the stories in this competition must relate to an urban/city/metro environment. It can be autobiographical, based on fact or a work of pure fiction. All we are after is a story well told. Entertain us!

Word limit: Strictly up to 5,000 words

Entry fee: $10

Prizes: Winner $200 and publication, Second place $100 and publication, Third place $50 and publication

An additional two highly commended authors will receive $20 and publication

Closing date: 31 July 2023


Port Writers Open Writing Competition 

Genre: Short Fiction and Poetry

Word limit: Short fiction – up to 2500 words. Poetry – up to 32 lines.

Entry fee: $10 per entry (maximum of 3 entries per category)

Prizes: Winner $200, Second place $50, Hastings Prize for local author $50 (for local writers in the Port Macquarie-Hastings geographic area)

Closing date: 31 July 2023.


Creative Writing Ink Short Story Competition 2023

The Creative Writing Ink Short Story Competition 2023 is open to writers across the globe. Stories do not need to follow any particular theme or genre, but must be written in English.Untitled design (2)

Word limit: Maximum 3,000 words

Entry fee: £9.

Prizes: Winner £1000, plus a free creative writing course of the winner’s choice and publication on the site. 2 runners-up: £200 each.

Closing Date: 31 July 2023



The Best Australian Yarn Short Story Competition2023-logo_textured_stacked-1797×937

Everyone has a story to tell. Share yours in the world’s richest short story competition for published and unpublished writers.

Word limit: 1000 – 25o0 words


  • Overall Winer $50,000
  • Runner up $3,000
  • The Navitas ESL Prize $3,000
  • The First Nations Storytelling Prize $3,000
  • Regional Australia Winner $3,000
  • Readers Choice $2,000
  • Eight Shortlisted Finalists  $1,000 each

Closing date: 1 August 2023


Sydney Hammond Memorial Short Story Writing Competition HawkeyeBooks

We’re looking for stories with powerful beginnings, rising tension, and a climax that resonates, to the theme of DETOUR. Short stories about alternative routes, roads less travelled, unexpected journeys, that examine lessoned learned, cautionary tales, surprising endings, friends made along the way.

Theme: Detour/s

Word limit: up to 1,000 words

Entry fee: $15

Prizes: Winner $250AUD Hawkeye Publishing Gift Voucher + anthology cover based on the winner’s story

Closing date: 1 August 2023


2023 Sutherland Shire Literary Competition

This competition is open to Australian residents over 18 years of age, and this year writers are asked to consider what’s been EMERGING in their creative work in recent times.

Theme: Emerging

Writers are invited to submit their individual, original works in the following categories:

  • Traditional verse (max 80 lines)
  • Free verse (max 80 lines)
  • Short story (max 2,000 words)

Entry fee: $20 per entry

Prizes: Winner $1,000,  Highly Commended $500

Closing date: 14 August 2023


Periscope Literary Open Fiction Short Story Award 2023

This UK-based competition is open to all international writers 18+. To be considered, entries must be original fiction of up to 1500 words, inspired by the theme ‘Identity’.

Word Limit: 1500 words

Entry fee: £10 per story

Prizes: Winner £1,000

Closing date: 15 August 2023


Masters Review Summer Short Story Award

logoThis US-based Short Story Award welcomes submissions of previously unpublished fiction or creative nonfiction.

This contest is for emerging writers only. Writers with single-author book-length work published or under contract with a major press are ineligible.

Word limit: up to 6,000 words

Entry fee: USD $20

Prizes: Winner USD $3,000 plus online publication, Second place $300, Third place $200

Closing date: 27 August 2023



Creative Writing Ink Short Story Competition 2023Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 4.12.00 pm

Word limit: up to 3,000 words

Entry fee: £9


1st prize: Winner £1000, plus a free creative writing course of the winner’s choice and publication on website, 2 runners-up: £200 each.

Closing date: 31 August 2023


Olga Masters Short Story Award 2023

Entries must be a single story of 2000 to 4000 words, written in English, with the theme of life in rural Australia.

Word limit: up to 2,000 – 4,000 words

Entry fee: $25

Prizes: Winner $1,500, Second place $500

Closing date: 31 August 2023



Anthology Short Story Award 2023

story_goldEstablished to recognise and encourage creative writing and provide a platform for publication, this short story competition is open to original and previously unpublished short stories in the English language by a writer of any nationality, living anywhere in the world.

There is no restriction on theme or style.

Word limit: maximum 1,500 words

Entry fee: €18

Prizes: €1,000

Closing date: 31 August 2023



KSP Poetry Competition

Entries must be original and unpublished. All poetry styles and themes are acceptable.

Entry fee: $10 per poem, no limit on entries

Prizes: Winner $300, plus a weekend residency at the KSP Writers’ Centre, Second place $150

Closing date: 27 September 203


New England Thunderbolt Prize for Crime Non-fiction

Word limit: up to 2,500 words

Entry fee: $10

Prizes: Winner $500

Closing date: 28 September 2023


Woorilla Poetry Prize 2023

Judith Rodriguez Open Section

Word limit: up to 50 lines per poem

Entry fee: $20 per poem

Prizes: Winner $3,000, Second place $500

Closing date: 30 September 2023


Creators of Justice Literary Awards

This Creators of Justice Literary Award features works which highlight the struggle for human rights and social justice the world over. These may be imagined in any manner in which the writer sees fit, however, it must be based in our signature values.  We do not publish work that is based in anger, or stems from an “us v. them” mentality.

Writers may submit one poem, one essay (up to 2500 words) and/or one short story (up to 2500 words)

No entry fee

Prizes: Winner $150, Second place $100, Third place $50

Closing date: 30 September 2023


Scribes Writer Short Story Competition – 2023

Genre: Short Story

Theme: Open

Work limit: 1,000 words

Entry fee: $10 per entry

Prizes: Winner $200, Second place $100

Closing date: 30 September 2023



Grindstone Literary International Novel Prize 2023

Genre: All genres are accepted, with the exception of work aimed at children, and erotic fiction.

Word limit: Manuscripts may be finished or part-finished at the time of submission. All manuscripts must have a finished (or projected finished) length exceeding 70,000 words.

Entry fee: £20

 Prizes: Winner £1,500, Runner Up £500, Shortlist: 4x £100

Closing date: 1 October 2023


Blacktown 2023 Mayoral Creative Writing Prize

The 2023 Blacktown Mayoral Creative Writing Prize is open to entries in the form of short story or poetry responding to the theme: EXTRAordinary.

Word limit: 25 lines for a poem, up to 500 words for a Short Story

Entry fee: $0

Prizes: Winner (Poetry category) $200, Winner (Short Story category) $200

Closing date: 2 October 2023


2023 Ernestine Hill Memorial Award

Type: Short Story, in a rural setting

Word limit: 4,000 words

Entry fee: $20 per entry

Prizes: Winner $1000

Closing date: 21 October 2023


Writers’ Studio Short Story Competition 2023Writers’_Studio_LOGO

Type: Short Story

Word limit: Between 1500 words and a maximum of 2500 words

Entry fee: $11

Prizes: Winner $500 / Second Prize: $250 / Third Prize: $100 + the top 3 winning entries will be published on our website.

Closing date: 5pm Tuesday, 31 October 2023



Commonwealth Short Story Prizecwf-logo-new

The competition is only open to short fiction, but it can be in any fiction genre–science fiction, speculative fiction, historical fiction, crime, romance, literary fiction–and you may write about any subject you wish.

Word limit: 2,000 – 5,000 words

Free entry

Prizes: Overall winner £5,000. Regional winners will receive £2,500

Closing date: 2 November 2023, 12am BST


The Masters Review Novel Excerpt ContestScreenshot 2023-10-30 at 2.39.53 pm

Open to any genre, you may submit an excerpt from any section of your completed or in-progress novel.

Word limit: Maximum 6,000 words

Entry fee: $20

Prizes: Winner $3,000, Second Place $300, Third Place $200

Closing date: 12 November



Anthology Travel Writing Competitionanthology magazine

The Anthology Travel Writing Competition is open to original and previously unpublished travel articles in the English language by writers of any nationality, living anywhere in the world. We are looking for an engaging article that will capture the reader’s attention, conveying a strong sense of the destination and the local culture.

Word limit: Maximum 1,000 words

Entry fee: €15

Prizes: The winner will receive €500 and the chance to see their work published in a future issue of Anthology.

Closing date: 30 November 2023


Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition

munlit-logo-header-1-450×179This competition is open to original, unpublished and unbroadcast poems in the English language, and can be on any subject, in any style, by a writer of any nationality, living anywhere in the world

Word limit: 40 lines

Entry fee: €7 per poem or €30 for a batch of five

Prizes: Winner €2,000, Second place €500, Third place €250, 10 x runners up will win €50. Plus all winners will be published in Southword.

Closing date: 30 November 2023



Hawkeye Publishing Manuscript Development Prize 2024NEW-LOGOhawkeye_books_logo

Manuscripts submitted by applicants must be their own original, unpublished work and should be strong commercial fiction, including but not limited to contemporary women’s fiction, science fiction, romance, crime and YA, or commercial non-fiction, including but not limited to memoir, biography, history, self-help, business.

The following types of work are not eligible:

  • Poetry and plays.
  • Works intended for the academic  market.
  • Cookery manuscripts.
  • Travel diaries (Note: travel memoirs written creatively for a commercial market are eligible).

Work limit: 80,000 words

Entry fee: $45


Closing date: 15 December 2023


Flash Fiction CompetitionFlash-500-writing-competition-logo-final

Open theme

Word limit: Up to 500 words

Entry fee: £5 for one story, £8 for two stories, £11 for three stories, £14 for four stories

Prizes: Winner £300, Second place £200, Third place £100

Closing date: 31 December 2023




Calibre Essay PrizeAustralian Book review

We welcome essays of all kinds: personal or political, literary or speculative, traditional or experimental

Word limit: Between 2,000 and 5,000

Entry fee: Current ABR subscribers: $20
Standard/non-subscribers: $30

Prizes: Winner $10,000

Closing date: 22 January 2024


Short Story and Other Writing Competitions 2023 -

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